Does a Guitar Need to Be Setup Again Every Time You Change Tunings

I played one of my favorite guitars the other 24-hour interval and noticed something didn't seem correct. Presently after, I realized my guitar has non been setup in awhile. So I asked myself, " How often should a guitar demand a setup anyway?" I decided to do some research.

How oft does a guitar need a setup? Information technology is a common do to get a guitar setup twice annually. In one case in the fall, and again in late spring, due to the change in temperature and humidity. It is essential to have a guitar setup at least once a year to maintain optimal performance.

At that place are a few other things to consider when deciding the right setup routine for your guitar. Continue reading to find out what you lot can practise at home to be certain.

Common Problems With Guitars

When it comes to a guitar setup, the average person does not know exactly what steps are involved. They merely know something is wrong with the way the guitar plays, and they bring it to a guitar shop to take care of the problem.

Here is a table of common problems you may observe, and what is likely the root cause.

Problems Truss Rod Nut Bridge Frets Pickups
Fret buzz Not enough relief in the neck. Truss rod may be too tight. Usually the fret fizz is between the 3rd and ninth fret. Fret fizz is located betwixt the 1st and 3rd fret. The slots or the nut itself are set likewise low. The saddles or the bridge itself is ready to low. This can cause fret buzz from the 10th to the 24th fret but tin also touch on the cervix as a whole. If the frets are not all level with each other, i tin can cause fret buzz at the defective frets. The pickups set too high can cause the strings to deviate and make contact with the fret. This is acquired by the magnetism from the pickups.
High Action High activity between the 3rd and 9th fret. The neck has too much relief. The truss rod may be likewise loose. The Action is Loftier between the 1st and 3rd fret. The nut or the slots are too loftier. High Action the 10th to the 24th fret. The bridge saddles or the span itself are ready too high. If the frets are not level with each other, the activeness can exist high or low at the defective frets. The pickups don't affect the action, just the action tin cause the pickups to be also close to the strings.
Intonation Likewise much neck relief. The more concave the neck is, the more the string is depressed. The high activity is throwing off the intonation . Usually the notes fret abrupt. The Nut or slots are too high. The loftier action is throwing the intonation off. Commonly frets sharp. The action set too loftier on the bridge can cause the overall intonation to be thrown off. If the frets are non level with each other, the intonation can be thrown off at the lacking frets. If the pickups are too shut to the strings, they can throw off the intonation on i or multiple strings due to the magnetic field.

How The Weather Affects Setup Intervals

An extreme change in weather can exist terrible for a guitar. Even leaving a guitar out in the car overnight can cause a modify in the structure of the instrument.


During the winter months we all know how dry it can get (Depending on where yous alive of course). So what exactly does this mean for your guitar?

The curt term effects from a lack of moisture may crusade:

  • Guitar Action that is too high or depression
  • Fret buzz
  • Sprouted Frets

The long term effects may cause:

  • Cracks on the trunk
  • Detached braces
  • The bridge to lift from the guitar

The common cold itself can crusade structural impairment to a guitar. If a guitar has been sitting in the common cold for a while and is abruptly brought into a warm setting information technology can cause the body to crack. In my research, I take plant that it is a skilful rule of thumb to go on the guitar in its instance, until information technology has fully warmed upwards before taking it out.

This tin relieve you extra money and a trip to the Tech.


The summer is a not bad fourth dimension to be exterior with your guitar. Whether it's playing around a camp fire, or playing outdoor gigs with your ring. During these busy months the humidity tin rise to extreme levels, which tin can be dangerous for your guitar.

Results of a guitar in high humidity may include:

  • Cervix warping
  • Bulging frets
  • Mucilage failing
  • Bubbles under the stop
  • Lifeless tone on the guitar

When it comes to extreme heat in the summer fourth dimension, the main causes of damage to guitars results in the gum failing. This can crusade bridges on acoustic guitars to lift up from the torso. When that happens, information technology affects all the other aspects of the guitars play ability.

Tips To Save Time And Money

At present that nosotros see a multitude of symptoms that cause us to have a setup on our guitar, what can nosotros practice to reduce trips to the guitar tech?

Changing The Strings

Changing the strings on your guitar regularly is essential to keep your guitar playing nifty. If your strings are always in good condition, it is easier to dominion out other potential problems. This is the main reason I mentioned this before annihilation else. Old guitar strings tend to stretch and deteriorate over fourth dimension, so new strings assistance keep the intonation stable.

On the other hand, if yous alter the string gauge, you will need to suit the intonation and the truss rod, due to the added or diminished tension.


If you lot make up one's mind that you want to modify your current tuning, adjustments volition need to be made to the truss rod and the intonation. If yous accept more than than 1 guitar, you tin avert this issue entirely by setting each guitar to a unlike tuning. Otherwise, yous can minimize having frequent setups done on your guitar by leaving the current tuning as it is.


I had mentioned earlier the results of farthermost changes in humidity, during the summer and winter months. The ideal humidity for a guitar is between 45% to 55%.

A good tool to measure the moisture in the air is a Hygrometer. You tin can find these from many different sources online. The price range varies from effectually $5 to $35. They even take some at present that y'all can put in your guitar case, and an app will permit you know if the humidity gets out of range!

You tin also add a Guitar Humidifier to your arsenal to regulate the wet of your guitar. These have a cost range from around $5 to $30 online. If you desire to salvage some money you can make one yourself. In that location are a few D.I.Y. tutorials you tin observe on YouTube.

A Guitar Case is another item that protects your guitar from changes in humidity. It acts every bit a barrier and does a great job in slowing down the process of moisture entering or exiting. If you lot don't own a case yous might exist missing out on an easy way to protect your guitar and minimize setups.

Guitar Stands

Guitar Stands are a subtle, but powerful accessories that can save you trips to the guitar tech. Instead, a lot of people will lean a guitar against the wall, on the flooring, or against a guitar amp. This tin be harmful to a guitar considering information technology is puts strain on the neck. Doing this time later on time can throw the intonation, the neck, and the action off residuum. Not to mention that a guitar could hands fall over, get stepped on, and even cause a person to trip and hurt themselves.

A guitar stand is a inexpensive way to prevent these problems. They are specifically designed to support the guitar correctly, and keep it in proficient condition. You can detect ane online for as low equally $v.

Cleaning And Polishing

Cleaning and polishing is elementary way to continue everything looking and sounding nice on your guitar. This will help remove oils and grime that transfer from your fingers and arms to the guitar.

If you decide to clean your guitar, you can find many cleaners, lubricants, and polishes online or at your local guitar shop. Household cleaners, and polishes can ruin the terminate on your guitar overtime. Try to avoid using piece of furniture polish, or WD-40, if you can . Guitar cleaners are designed for guitars, and then yous tin experience confident using them.

Endeavor to avoid paper towels, or socks if you tin can. Using these can scratch and damage the guitar. A microfiber textile for cleaning a guitar is recommended. They are bully for removing surface oils and harmful residues.


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