Should You Upload a Video to Your Upwork

Information technology can be difficult to establish a personal connection through a written profile, but that profile is an of import gene when it comes to finding new clients. Adding an introduction video to your contour—alongside your full overview and other completed sections—can exist a great mode to quickly build a bond with prospective clients by providing a more interactive preview of your unique characteristics and what it'll exist like to work with y'all.

Retrieve of it as a TV commercial for your freelance business organization: superlative clients are oft drawn to freelancers who aren't just experts in their field merely too passionate about their trade. Follow these 4 steps to assistance create a top-notch introduction video…

Pro Tip: Do y'all offer services in a language that isn't your native natural language? An introduction video is i manner to show how fluent your verbal skills are.

i. Create a slap-up script

Planning what you lot want to say is essential to a video that'southward brusque but effective. In sixty seconds or less, describe how you assist your clients. What should you include? Hither's a quick outline that suggests key points to cover. Practice a few times before the photographic camera starts rolling to assist you lot feel more comfortable, sound natural, and speak easily and clearly.

Introduction (five-10 seconds)

Who are you? What services are you offer? How long take you been doing what you practice? Many freelancers gain extensive feel before they launch a freelance business; don't feel you need to limit yourself to your well-nigh recent projects!

Objective (ten-twenty seconds)

What types of roles, projects, or clients are you looking to work with?

Business organisation highlights (ten-xx seconds)

What professional experiences showcase the breadth and depth of your expertise?

Conclusion (5-10 seconds)

What deportment do you desire the viewer to take after watching your video?

ii. Get gear up for the video shoot

If you don't have access to a digital video camera, the video mode on a digital photo camera, smartphone, or computer webcam tin can be good alternatives. Shoot in loftier definition or 1080p, if possible, to assist ensure the video quality will be good.

Once y'all have your equipment in place, it's time to frame your shoot. A clean, plain background with limited clutter volition help ensure that the focus is on you and not the things effectually you. Cull a quiet place (e.chiliad., no children at play, electric fans, etc.) because your mic will pick up the sounds; background noise can brand your voice hard to hear.

Good lighting is another important component for a stellar video. Film indoors in a well-lit room with plenty of low-cal in front end or to the side of you. Avoid placing stiff lights behind you and, if there'south lighting above you, move around and so it doesn't cast shadows on your confront. An hands moved tabletop lamp tin can help first whatever shadows.

Finally, identify the photographic camera then yous'll be slightly off-center in the frame. It may sound counterintuitive, but standing slightly to the left or right of centre can assist better capture the viewer'southward attending. As well, shoot from the waist up and keep both your confront and hand gestures within the video frame as yous talk.

Case: Follow the Rule of Thirds and position yourself slightly off-center and then your face up appears where the lines intersect, equally shown hither.

3. Lights, camera, action!

Before y'all kickoff recording, accept fourth dimension to get yourself set up. Dress in concern casual attire to aid yous await and experience more professional. Once the camera starts rolling, be yourself and so clients can get a sense of who yous are and how you tin aid them. And don't forget to have fun, smile, and speak clearly!

4. Review and publish your video

Sometimes it can take a few tries to exist sure you're completely comfortable in forepart of the camera and that you have a video you'll exist happy to publish.

Before you call it a wrap, double-bank check for the following:

  • Did you lot speak conspicuously and not too chop-chop?
  • Is the video gratuitous of awkward pauses?
  • Tin yous hear your phonation?
  • Can you see your confront clearly?
  • Is the image background make clean and clutter-free?
  • Is the shot steady and not shaky?
  • Did you lot smile?

When you're happy with the last result, you can add your intro video to your Upwork profile.

Pro Tip: It can exist helpful to confirm that your video follows our terms before publishing it.

Need inspiration before you get started?

Cheque out these stellar intro videos from some of your beau freelancers:

  • Pavel Pomerantsev – Front-Finish Programmer
  • Czarina de los Reyes-Guevara – Client Service Manager
  • Chris Warren – Motion Graphics Artist

Check out these other posts to assistance improve your freelancer profile:

  • nine Tips to Help You Create a Freelancer Profile That Stands Out
  • Upwork Profiles: Why a Great Title and Overview Tin Make a Difference
  • A How-To Guide for Your Perfect Profile Picture
  • four Ways to Create a More Successful Freelancer Portfolio


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